Research Institute on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery (RIMSS)

Women’s Human Rights Institute of Korea (hereafter referred to as the “WHRIK”) adheres to the mission of “Achieving True Gender Equality by Eliminating Gender Violence” as a public institution under MOGEF (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family).

In August 2018, the WHRIK commenced with the project of presenting a Research Institute on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery (hereafter referred to as the “RIMSS”) that reveals such a mission with the subject of wartime sexual violence as well as Military “Comfort Women”.

RIMSS spreads out the diverse projects of researches, conferences, archiving, and victim support to activate social discourse into wartime sexual violence.

RIMSS ties up the internal and external networks to relay and develop the researches and campaigns for “Comfort Women”, brings forth the voice of the surviving victims never revealed before, and restructures the meaning on the position of women’s rights.

The slogan ‘Women's Rights are Human Rights’ was first created as a direct result of the feminist movement. However, it indicates a paradoxical actuality that women’s rights are ‘still not’ guaranteed.

The revelation behind gender inequality acting tacitly provides an essential epistemic opportunity to achieve social justice. Thus, the core of sexual violence lies in the question of which perspective dominates such offending and victimization.

Female suffering in troubled regions is caused by regarding the gender division of labor as natural. Thus, the symbolism imprinted to women’s sexuality brings entirely different types of female and male mobilization in war. It has repeatedly presented the sexual violence as the contemptuous means from Intrasexual male competition, the rape as the means to promote own good battle, the reproductive disruption, and ethnic cleansing. RIMSS is fully committed towards issuing such gender roles given in war into a social agenda.

Through this process, RIMSS seeks to turn the issue of the "comfort women" into a mature policy discussion that deals with the determination of knowledge constitution in the post-colonial society, and not left in the past. Please look forward to it and come participate.


‘Resources’ is as follow: first, annotations of primary resources and historical data on Japanese Military “comfort women”; second, English resources from global communities to resolve the “comfort women” issue, testimonies and movements.

Annotations of primary resources and historical data contain selected and collected resources revealing the truth of “comfort women” issue; Japanese Military Documents, Allied Forces Documents, and related official documents issued during World War II. These resources are classified and organized as English contents.

Other English resources, testimonies and movements consist of collected and categorized documents on social movements rose around the world to urge resolution of “comfort women” issue; installation of ‘the Statue of Peace’, passed resolution on “comfort women”, etc.

For August 13, 2021, ‘Resources’ contains one hundred fifty-three documents: fifty Japanese Military Documents, thirty-three Allied Forces Documents, twenty Testimonies, fifty documents of Movements.


Japanese Military Documents (50) Allied Forces Documents (33) Testimonies (20) Movements (50)
# Title # Title # Title # Title
(Historical Background)
Ordinance No. 4, Regulations of Brothels and Prostitutes [promulgated by Police Chief, the Japanese Government-General of Korea] A-1 ATIS Interrogation Report No. 395 T-1 Bong-gi Bae, Korean survivor in Japan (Summarized translation of Hankyoreh reports and Kyeol article) M-1
(War Tribunals and Japanese government’s actions)
The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (IMTFE): A Legacy of Failed Justice and Silence Stephanie Lee, Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education
(Installation / Management and Supervision)
The Amendment of the Military Regulation on Field Commissaries (Sept 21, 1937) A-2 ATIS Research Report No. 120 T-2 Shirota Suzuki, Japan, Summary of her autobiography Mary’s Hymn M-2
(War Tribunals and Japanese government’s actions)
The Batavia Trials - a Hidden Precedent towards Redress for “Comfort Women” under International Criminal Law
A Request to Facilitate the inbound Travel of the “comfort women” for the Imperial Japanese Army A-3 ATIS Enemy Publication No. 9. Miscellaneous Records of the Southern Expeditionary Force (Tomi 8125 Butai) In Malaya and the Philippines T-3 Hak-sun Kim, Korea (Translation of News Tapa video) M-3
(War Tribunals and Japanese government’s actions)
Kono Statement (1993)
(Management and Supervision)
Issues regarding the Use of Commissaries and “comfort stations” by Non-combatants A-4 Combined Enemy Alien Preliminary Interrogation Reports (May 21, 1945) prepared by 163rd Language Detachment T-4 Seo-woon Chung, Korea. [Herstory] animation video (Transcript of student version video. Directed by Jun-ki Kim) M-4
(War Tribunals and Japanese government’s actions)
Asian Women’s Fund (1995)
(Rape Issues / Installation)
Notice of Warning over Military Personnel’s behavior towards Local Residents, no. 1 A-5 Compilation of NEFIS Interrogation Reports Nos. 450, 538, 553, 555, 580, 583, 585, 589 and 593(Not Issued Separately) T-5 Su-dan Lee, Korean woman in China who didn’t return home (Translation of interview note by Sehong Ahn, a photographer) M-5
(War Tribunals and Japanese government’s actions)
J-SK Agreement in 2015 (2015)
(Mobilization / Hygiene)
Central Records from Setsuzō Kinbara’s Work Log, Vol.1, 1-a A-6 Compilation of NEFIS Interrogation Reports Nos. 1590-1630 T-6 Young-sim Park and others. North Korea (Translation of News Tapa video) M-6
(Civil movement in Asia )
Overview of the “comfort women” issue for the teachers (Alexis Dudden)
(Installation / Hygiene)
Central Records from Setsuzō Kinbara’s Work Log, Vol.1, 3-c A-7 OSS. Questionnaire on the Far East No. 1322 (by Harry Baylor Taylor, Nov 8, 1943). Control Sheet for Intelligence Agencies T-7 Maria Rosa Henson, The Philippines (Summary of her autobiography) M-7
(Civil movement in Asia )
Introduction of the “comfort women” movement (Phyllis Kim)
Opinions, Questions, and Answers during a Meeting of Adjutants (Commissioned Officers of General Affairs) A-8 OSS. Health Maintenance of Japanese Army in Burma No. 1230 T-8 Nuraini, Indonesia (by Akihisa Matsuno) M-8
(Civil movement in Asia )
The Korean Council, Women and War Museum (The Korean Council)
On Overseas Travelers to be Dispatched to Southern Regions, no. 3 A-9 OSS. Korean Organization T-9 Mardiyem, Indonesia (by Koichi Kimura, Eka Hindrati) M-9
(Civil movement in Asia )
Wednesday Demonstration (The Korean Council)
On the Recruitment of Shakuhu [barmaids] for “Comfort Stations” for the Military in the Expeditionary Army in Shanghai A-10 G-2-3 Daily Report T-10 Suharti, Indonesia (by Koichi Kimura, Eka Hindrati) M-10
(Civil movement in Asia )
Asian Solidarity conference (The Korean Council)
On the Recruitment of “comfort barmaids” for the North China Expeditionary Army A-11 Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49: Korean Comfort Women T-11 Jan Ruff O’herne, The Netherlands (2007, US Congressional hearing) M-11
(Civil movement in Asia )
"Comfort women" issue's Journey to UN (Interview of Heisoo Shin)
On the Regulation of Recruitment of Women to Travel to China A-12 Outpost Report WDC-289 T-12 Ines Magalhaes Goncalves, East Timor (by Akihisa Matsuno) M-12
(Civil movement in Asia )
House of Sharing (CARE)
On Alleged Abductions of Women by Taking Advantage of the Present Circumstances A-13 Outpost Report WDC-400 T-13 Marta Abu Bere, East Timor (by Akihisa Matsuno) M-13
(Civil movement in Asia )
Daegu Citizen’s Forum (Daegu Citizen’s Forum)
On the Recruitment of Prostitutes for “comfort stations” of the North China Expeditionary Army, no. 1 A-14 S-11414 T-14 Li Yunfang, Chinese survivor (Peipei Qiu) M-14
(Civil movement in Asia )
WAM, Japan (WAM)
On the Recruitment of Prostitutes for “comfort stations” of the North China Expeditionary Army, no. 2 A-15 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Preliminary POW Interrogation No. 75 T-15 Zhang Gaixiang, Chinese survivor (Peipei Qiu) M-15
(Civil movement in Asia )
Nanjing Museum, China (Nanjing Museum of the Site of the Lijixiang Comfort Stations.) (CARE)
On the Treatment of Women Traveling to China A-16 MIS Special Questions for Korean PWs T-16 Journalist in war – Omata Yukio for Yomiuri Shimbun M-16
(Civil movement in Asia )
AMA Museum, Taiwan (CARE)
On the Treatment of Women Traveling to China A-17 MIS CPMB Extract of Interrogation 1538 Composite Report on Three Korean Navy Civilians,List No. 78, Dated 28 Mar 45, Re "Special Questions on Koreans" T-17 War experiences of a private by Kajikawa Masaru. 1991. M-17
(Civil movement in Asia )
Lila Pilipina, The Philippines (Lila Pilipina)
On the Recruitment of Female Workers for Military “comfort stations” A-18 Japanese Words of Military Value T-18 Military doctor, Aso Tetsuo’s memoir regarding forced abortion M-18
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
ILO comments adopted in 1996 (CEACR: Individual Observation concerning Convention No. 29, Forced Labour, 1930 Japan(ratification: 1932) Published : 1997) Link: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:13100:0::NO:13100:P13100_COMMENT_ID:2152098
Compilation of Netherlands East Indies Forces Intelligence Service (NEFIS) Interrogation Reports Nos. 366-378, 404-407, and 410-417 (Not issued separately), Magelang, Java; Solo, Java; Djember, Java (Indonesia) A-19 Translation of Captured Japanese Document ITEM#1033(S-3592) T-19 Matsumoto Masayoshi (Translation of News Desk report) M-19
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
1996 UN Human Rights Report by Special Rapporteur Radhika Coomaraswamy (Report on the mission to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan on the issue of military sexual slavery in wartime) (E/CN.4/1996/53/Add.1) ⇒ Definition of sexual slavery Link: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/228137?ln=en
Compilation of NEFIS Interrogation Reports Nos. 1590~1630 (Not Issued Separately) A-20 USAFFE Interrogation Report No. 128 T-20 Gondo Hajime (Stories Untold. Animation directed by Junki Kim) M-20
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
1998. UN Human Rights Report by Special Rapporteur Gay J. McDougall. Final report on sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1998/13) ⇒ Defined J government’s legal liability for reparations Link: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/257682?ln=en
On the Issuance of a Certificate of Identity to Travelers to China A-21 South East Asia Translation and Interrogation Center (SEATIC) Interrogation Bulletin no. 2, a Secondary report based on the original reports M-21
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
유엔 위원회 보고서: 고문방지위원회 2013년 UN 고문방지위원회 최종 견해: 일본 (Concluding observations on the second periodic report of Japan, adopted by the Committee at its fiftieth session (6-31 May 2013) (CAT/C/JPN/CO/2) Link: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/857917?ln=en
Sending a “Summary of Urgent Measures to Deal With Japanese Citizens Who Enter China after the Capture of Hankou” A-22 XL6845, SEATIC Translation Report No.105 M-22
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
CEDAW observation recommendation in 2016
(Installation / Overseas Travel)
A list of Taitaku (The Taiwan Development Co., Ltd.)-related Travelers to Hainan Island A-23 OSS. Attached memorandum, "Korean and Japanese prisoners of war in Kunming" M-23
(UN, ILO, Amnesty International)
유엔 비정구기구 보고서: NGO Alternative Report for LOIPR on the 7th Periodic Report of Japan for Human Rights Committee, July 2017 by WAM
(Installation / Overseas Travel)
On Women Traveling to China for the “comfort stations” for the Amaya Unit of the Army in Hankou A-24 Official War Diary Task Unit 94.5.3, Headquarters, Island Command Peleliu M-24
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
WCCW, the first civil organization for “comfort women” issue in the US
(Overseas Travel)
On the Criteria for the Issuance of a Travel Permit To be Handled by the Consular Police as Part of Provisional Measures on Japanese Travelers to Japan A-25 (Photo) SA Korean “comfort women” captured by the U.S Troops in Burma Myitkyina 1 M-25
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
House Resolution 121, the background (Mindy Kotler, Asia Policy Point)
(Overseas Travel)
On the Treatment of Travelers Who are Admittedly Unable to Obtain the Authorized Certificates for Travel to China (Vol. 2) A-26 (Photo) SA Korean “comfort women” captured by the U.S Troops in Burma Myitkyina 2 M-26
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Resolutions around the globe after 2007
(Overseas Travel)
On the Issuance of Certificates of Identity for military “comfort station” employees A-27 (Photo) Korean “comfort women” in South Pacific Truk Island 5 M-27
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
The first memorial in Palisades Park, NJ (Chejin Park, Korean American Civic Empowerment)
(Overseas Travel)
On “Comfort Women’s” Travel to Occupied Territories in the Southern Areas A-28 (Photo) Chinese “comfort woman” found in Rangoon, Burma 2 M-28
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
New York Times article Link: In New Jersey, Memorial for ‘Comfort Women’ Deepens Old Animosity https://nyti.ms/KyPoCd ‘Comfort Women’ Controversy Comes to New York https://nyti.ms/2hsUWGe Fox News link
("Comfort Station" / Management and Supervision)
Circumstances at the Time of the Opening of the Consulate A-29 (Photo) Korean “comfort women” in Okinawa Temporary Camp 8 M-29
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
LA Times article: Glendale unveils ‘comfort women’ statue, honors ‘innocent victims’.
Compiled by Inspectorate General of Military Training: A Summary of Wartime Services A-30 (Photo) Korean “comfort women” in Koza camp in Okinawa M-30
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
LA Times article: Japanese politicians lobby https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-comfort-women-20131219-story.html
(Installation / Management and Supervision)
Notifying Rules for Logistics Duties A-31 (Photo) A Korean “comfort women” found in Okinawa 1 M-31
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
NCRR’s support for Comfort Women
J-32 (Management and Supervision) On the Sending of the “comfort station” regulations A-32 (Photo) “Comfort women” in Songshan, China M-32
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Glendale lawsuit (Overview and complaint)
(Management and Supervision)
Military Administration Regulations, November 11, 1943 No.3 The Military Administration Department of Malay Army A-33 (Video) “Comfort women” in Songshan, China M-33
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Glendale lawsuit (amicus curiae brief): Declarations by the two grandmas: Oksun, Ilchul, Video: Butterfly Women
Internal Regulations of Duties for Units Stationing in Changzhou M-34
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Glendale lawsuit (District Court decision)
(Installation / Management and Supervision)
Regulations on the Use of Facilities outside the Camp M-35
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
CWJC Intro (Include SF hearing video & Grandma Lee photos)
(Installation / Management and Supervision)
Rules on Local Tradesmen within the Security Area of Takamori Unit M-36
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
News report https://youtu.be/Bp3jGcFniXk)
(Management and Supervision / Hygiene)
Opinions, Inquiries and Responses at a Joint meeting of adjutants (Administration Commissioned Officers) M-37
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
San Francisco – Osaka sister city termination (Media report. Letter from the mayor of Osaka) SF – Osaka Sister City (San Francisco mayor’s response)
(Management and Supervision / Use)
Jinchu Nisshi [Frontlines Daily Log] M-38
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
CATW Connection with human trafficking by Taina
Jinchu Nisshi [Frontlines Daily Log] M-39
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
CUNY video 2. What is wrong with the 2015 Agreement?
(Management and Supervision / Hygiene)
Mandalay Garrison Headquarters: “Regulations of Garrison Comfort Stations” M-40
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
California Textbook Campaign (Education article by Phyllis)
(Installation / Hygiene)
Report of the situation M-41
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Japan’s denialism: Tomomi Yamaguchi
(Installation / Management and Supervision)
Rules on Special “Comfort” Services in Morikawa Unit M-42
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Japan’s denialism: Mindy Kotler (NY Times)
(Hygiene / Management and Supervision)
Ten-Day Report on Hygiene Management (From May 1 to May 10, 1933), 14th Mixed Brigade Headquarters M-43
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
History War on textbook company (Alexis Dudden)
Preliminary Report on Hygiene Management, January 1943 M-44
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Atlanta, GA memorial (NBC News, NPR news) Atlanta, GA (Consul General’s comment. Reporter Newspapers)
(Hygiene / Management and Supervision)
Ten-Day Report on Hygiene in mid-August 1939 M-45
(Civil movement in the US and beyond)
Video: Glendale mayor exposes Japanese diplomats’ efforts to remove the memorial.
(Management and Supervision)
Report on the Results of Syphilis Tests, no. 4 M-46
(History War around the globe)
Memorial war in the Philippines (https://rappler.com/nation/comfort-woman-statue-manila-removed, https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2019/01/03/Statue-dedicated-to-comfort-women-removed-in-the-Philippines/4461546541049/) Memorials in the Philippines –removed
(Rape Issues / Hygiene)
Frontlines Daily Log of the 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion, Independent Siege Heavy Artillery M-47
(History War around the globe)
Punggyeong: Movement in Germany
(Rape Issues / Installation / Hygiene)
Research paper: “Peculiar Phenomena in the Battlefields and Measures to Be Taken (November 1937-November 1939)” M-48
(History War around the globe)
Berlin Statue: Open letters (CWJC, CARE)
(Management and Supervision)
Wartime Ten-Day Report by the Headquarter of Nami Group (23rd Army) (Rear operations) M-49
(Lesson Plan 1)
Lesson Plan 1
(Installation / Hygiene)
Active Measures to Prevent Venereal Diseases M-50
(Lesson Plan 1)
Lesson Plan 2